In some way or the other everybody in this world indulges in what is called ‘Social Networking’. To me social networking in general terms is communicating via a network formed in a society by people having something or the other in common. And in this High –tech era of Globalization this term has become even more significant.
There are various ways in which Social Networking could be done but the one which has become much more prevalent in the 21st Century is 'online Social Networking' (through Internet), more so with the upcoming of the social networking websites. And is has really gained momentum in the last decade or so. Sites like Orkut, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter etc have become so famous all over the world that almost every individual of the 21st century has an account on one or the other.
This has helped different people in different ways. The biggest advantage is that we stay connected with family, friends, and even acquaintances with whom we would have not spoken to otherwise. Apart from it we get to know more people. It’s an irony that two people know about each other, although miles apart. Others use it to find employers and employees for them. It forms a very good supplement to the naukri sites. In short it is helping The ‘Social Animal’ to socialize.
But along with it brings many threats and security concerns to the individuals doing Social Networking. First and foremost is the identity theft. When we tell the world about ourselves we tend to tell a lot including our personal information which could very well be used to ‘screw’ us, sometimes financially, sometimes mentally and in a few cases physically. We might be trapped and release confidential information risking others, may be the place you work, or your family.. There have been numerous cases in which pple fell prey to anti social elements through Social Networking.
I don’t say that Social Networking sites are bad but they have their pros and cons. It is up to the individual to decide what and with whom to interact and there is a thin line b/w entertainment and embarrassment in this case.