Hi All,
This day, 2nd July 2010, happens to be my last working day at Mastek. It seems just yesterday when I walked into Mastek on 27th August 2007, fresh out of college, bit nervous coz of the thought of coming to the corporate world.
But here I met 20 odd strange people, with whom I was supposed to study and learn and boy!!! What time we had. I am lucky that I made great many friends in that batch. We truly we called ourselves “Warehouse Ki Khoj”.... Thank you guys for all the love, support, fun, masti, and companionship you provided.
Another very important thing that happened in those early stages of my career was - the trainers... I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every member of the then called ‘Training Cell’ for providing such an impeccable training.
The first of everything is very close to one’s heart and so is the first project of my career, BT- Spine-ERS. I really enjoyed working in there and the experience is priceless. I made extremely good friends. Those tea parties, working on weekends, onsite calls dinner parties and the list is endless. Remember the ‘Freaky Friday’? I would cherish each moment spent with you. Thank you so much for being there and making work such an ‘adorable’ event for me.
As they say ‘one good thing is followed by another’ so was my coming into MSN project. 1-Source was an experience in itself, an awesome learning experience in terms of technology and balance in life. Life was like a roller coaster for me then... And then there was SFA. Said to one of the dream teams to work in MSN and whoa! I got a chance to work with a bunch of highly committed technology experts. And the masti you guys do at work in marvellous. Thank you all guys for making me a part of it. The MSN bay seems like a second home to me and you all like family members.
The Mastekeers whom I've met during induction, bus travel, playing carom and TT and CS of course, just wanted to say that interacting with you was a gem of an experience.
I would also take this opportunity to thank all those people who I was involved directly/indirectly with, the TIS, Helpdesk and IR people, the Admin ,FnL and Travel department, the HR and the fun@work committee, the LnD and Edge team and the Masteknet team and RMG.
I would also thank the security guards, canteen people and bus drivers.
In a small or big way, I have learnt something from each one of you and would cherish it my entire life. I really enjoyed the work culture, with Friends and having fun with learning. I would be carrying from Mastek a truck laden with experience, knowledge, memories, and friendship.
AWESOME time is what I had at Mastek.
My Best wishes to all in your personal and professional endeavours.
It would be my pleasure to stay in touch with all you lovely people. You can contact me at:
rohitdilipmehta@gmail.com or rohitdmehta@ymail.com
Call me @ +91 9819268812
“Bas Yaadein Reh Jati Hain”
Phir milenge…..
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