How often do we hear sentences like, “Don’t give him that task, he is very emotional”, “emotional fool!”, “why the hell u get so emotional?” ??? On numerous occasions, I m sure.
Have we ever wondered what actually an emotion is? Very hard to define indeed.. Is it a kind of an experience or a reaction or a thought or a feeling....??? Could be anything!! But what I am sure of is that it is more often than not associated with mood, temperament and personality.
Once I was talking to a very good friend of mine who said that ‘being emotional’ is a feminine quality and I argued it’s not. I believe and as a rule of thumb everybody has emotions. But what we fail to do is to control them. To some emotions cause problems and to some they don’t, and hence the perennial question-- are emotions one’s strength or weakness?
I believe that emotions are always a man’s or a woman’s strength if u r able to control them and channelize the energy generated by them in the right direction. In other words the key here is ‘Emotional Control’.
Now a lot could be said about why and what and when of ‘Emotional Control’ but the most important of them all, to me, is HOW??? How do I control my emotions or at least try doing that. One of the first things that comes to mind, ‘Yaar don’t think abt it’. Let me tell you this strategy is a long term failure. One of the other failure of strategy is when we try to force ourselves not to think in a way we do and repeat the empowering phrases in mind over and over until the repression supposedly sinks in.
But I think the best way for ‘Emotional Control’ arguably is rationalization.... whenever I want to control my emotions I raise a question to myself “I shouldn’t feel the way I do because....?” and then debate over it with myself.....Self awareness and self realization are the key to emotional control and this is what makes one say that “my Emotions are my Strength”...
Still trying to make that happen to myself.
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