Friday, August 20, 2010

Lateral Thinking...... hmmmmm Really!!!

                  Once in an aptitude workshop I was asked,” How would u make 4 equilateral triangles out of 6 matchsticks?”. As clueless as ever I could not answer it................. Hey, r u thinking already? Well can u do it??? Answer however, is to make a *Tetrahedron*. That time I could do nothing but to smile at my ignorance.
                  As time passed I began to realize it was not just ‘not able’ to answer that question, it was something else, more intense, and that was lack of ‘Lateral Thinking’. The ability to think out of the box, have creativity in problem solving, to have a 3-dimensional view of the problem. In that particular question it was never told that the triangles have to be co-planer, only if I were able to have that ‘3-D view’ of it.
                  In fact, it’s not just about being Maverick in problem solving but it’s a skill that does potentially bring about revolutions. Be it Kerry Packer’s series which revolutionized world cricket, the introduction of each of the products of Apple company, and even the invention of Telephone , light bulb. All these were results of lateral thinking exhibited by one or more individuals.
                  When I used to talk to my friends about this concept, a predominant reply used to be ‘it’s an inborn talent yaar’. I beg to disagree and say that this is a misleading belief. Lateral Thinking is a skill and like any other skill it can be developed. There need not be a conscious effort to develop this skill.. It can be achieved with a little logical and mathematical analysis. Edward de Bono the professor who coind the term ‘Lateral Thinking’ says that ‘intelligence is a potential and thinking is a skill to use that potential.’ Just as the skill of the driver determines how a car is used, thinking determines how intelligence is used.
                  One may be a good thinker without being an intellectual and vice-versa. But it’s always good to be both at the same time.


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